I checked out your web site and liked. stumbled upon it and have added it to my favored list. i like your heading quote. i wish you the best in pursuit of your writing life.
He's actually 15 at the mo. He knows that we are just soldiers in an ongoing battle of good vs evil - it's nothing personal. I am his mother or something.
*inspects blog as if it were a village consumed by the toxic jungle*
I checked out your web site and liked. stumbled upon it and have added it to my favored list. i like your heading quote. i wish you the best in pursuit of your writing life.
Not for nuthin, but you do realize J.D. (or is it j.d.?) professes to be 16.
To be 16 and to suck eggs is roughly the same thing, is it not?
He's actually 15 at the mo. He knows that we are just soldiers in an ongoing battle of good vs evil - it's nothing personal. I am his mother or something.
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